Friday, November 5, 2010

Good Hairdressers In Brampton


For some time, dear wind, your breath goes in your ears a "suffering" that troubles me, because the hydro-geological alarms in the northeast and southern Italy, the waste emergency in Campania, the humiliations inflicted on immigrants , fornication and moral media, the disgraceful insults to homosexuals, the crisis of the factories and farms, all these things together, they produce news so painful, that give excuse for politicians and their emissaries of communication, so they can divert the attention of 'public opinion and avoid talking about the need for culture in the country. In a socio-economic system like ours, seems to lack marginal, no noise, or rather, does not news. Yet, those who give ear to the wind again, know that I speak of the future of Italy, not caring about the cuts to culture, is closing areas, reducing programming, erasing, and delayed work soon, this country will come to nothing, because there will be a annihilation of knowledge and conscience. And how can we forget even the collapse of the home of the gladiators of Pompeii, the mirror of a populist and culturally incapable government that in the face of this latest international shame, should take a step back and put away immediately. Perhaps these words will be in the wind? So, I write to you, friend, wind, and I ask: do you know that at the Rome International Film Festival, There were also peaceful protests of workers and workers of the show? And these, the Italian Culture Minister Sandro Bondi has blatantly said that it was "a protest that shows the degree of partisanship ed'intolleranza by groups that culture has nothing to do" ? ? And you wind, unlike the news of public information, censorship does not apply, at least you went to those who want to listen to the anguished grief of the 250 thousand professionals, who have urgent work and live, and look hopeful expectation of a resolution, as a viewer could also looming horizon where the black sail last ship. But I would also write to the indignation of those who wanted to listen to the "Palace", or "palace", a word about it, however, there was silence, and even now, remains a depressing silence. However, my wind, I beg you to blow more strongly at the Palace of Power, ringing in the ears of those who, perhaps, is too busy, or has not yet taken your breath or think that the issue be put off. Summons Boreas, Noto, and shake the windows of the "Palace" or "palaces" of the whole of Italy, I pray you, wind! I do not think, says an Eastern proverb, that the wind can not read, as I do not think, that the politicians in charge of Culture does not know listen to those who, in this tormented stall, are risking their death due to neglect. After all, in times that seem so sensitive to the "suffering", so to call the blind are not blind, deaf, hard of hearing, the lame non-disabled, there is no need to pay sincere attention to the precarious not partisan and intolerant? In reality, are people, and I will add more, in case anyone was limited by the vision of a country / company needs to demonstrate effective and productive: I'm talking about you, dear wind, workers and professionals from a subsector of the cultural which help to make it important to know Italy and elsewhere in the world.

Anna Savoia


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